Friday, March 25, 2011

Final Fantsy X

FFX was my favorite FF game of all time. I loved the storyline. It's about this girl, Yuna who's a summoner and she has to defeat Sin. Along the way she meets Tidus. That's your playable character. They kinda fall in love. It's a decade old and the cut-scene graphics are amazing. The 'normal' graphics are ok. There was something about this game that made me click with it. I liked the characters although they could be annoying sometimes. My favorite character was Rikku. I liked her personality. I thought she was similar to Vanille from FF13. Overall I would rate this game a 9/10.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

I think this game is your typical army styled game. You've got guns and thing to shoot. The game is about a guy who wakes up and has amnesia. The only thing he has are a PDA and a tattoo. This guy, Sid saved his life so the amnesiac guy repays Sid by doing tasks for him. This game is also one of those games where you determine the ending of the game by the choices you make. This game looks good. It has good graphics. I would rate it a 8/10.