Monday, August 22, 2011

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

I watched most of the game play and it looked pretty fun. I watched it being played for the Wii. I watched ChronGear play so..shout to him :D I think the graphics are relatively decent for the Wii. The story line...THe play-able character, Harry got into a car accident with his kid and she runs off into Silent Hill and he tries to find her. I would rate it a 4/5. Felt like the game got a little repetitive because you run around a lot getting chased and Chronogear got lost frequently in the game. Let's talk about something else? Okk Uhm...this game wasn't that scary. I think this game is the kinda game where it'll get creepy if you're by yourself playing it in the dark. I think that's about it for now :)