Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fatal Frame

Fatal Frame

When I watched the game play I thought it was interesting game. It's sort of like Resident Evil but instead of killing zombies and having guns, you're killing ghosts with a camera. Don't ask why a camera b/c I honestly don't know. At times this game got boring to watch b/c all the player was doing was taking pictures and looking for someone who was already dead (Player was looking for the brother I believe.) Unlike most games you play as a girl and not a guy finally! If you want to play this game I suggest you borrow it or rent the game. I honestly don't think it's worth the money.  


  1. seriously what a shitty review

  2. I've played Fatal Frame 1-4, and they are all great games. I would tell anyone to get these games if they were into the horror genre. To me, the only one not worth the money is Fatal Frame 4, only because it's extremely expensive, and you have to download several patches to get it to work and translate with the Wii.

  3. Wow what a terrible review. I own FF 1-3 (4th one not worth it to me) and I love the games. It has replay value, a few decent scares, and great storylines. Such a disappointment that you make yourself out to be a female gamer. I'm a female gamer! Oh and if you payed attention to the first game you'd know why the camera is there (the first game is only 3 hours so don't act like it's that hard to figure out).
