Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gears of War 3 *Spoilers*

Oh dear lord. I know it's not coming out until November(?) but I hate the game already!(Kidding) I think Epic Games killed off Dom. I was watching this video where Delta Squad was walking out of this building and Dom didn't walk and I was like, "Where's Dom? o.O" Then Marcus got all...upset and he took a part of his gear off and Anya was like, "I"m here for you." That doesn't sound right XD I'm too lazy to phrase it differently. Dom was one of my favorite characters. I freaked out when I saw the video...Uhm on the bright side Clay Carmine lives...and he misses eating bacon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fable 3

This game was okay. It was a lot like the other Fable games. Same story line. Same graphics. You're trying to save the world from something horrible that's gonna happen. What I didn't like about this game was that their was that darkness that was coming and you had to make 6.5 million coins for civilians in a year! I thought that was impossible to do. I was 65 thousand coins in debt when the darkness came. If they hadn't done that, Fable 3 would have been more fun and enjoyable. What I liked about Fable 3 was the creepy part where you got separated from Ben Finn and you go into the cave with Walter. My favorite character was Ben btw =D I thought Ben was kinda cute and the most decent looking guy after I picked to kill the lover at the beginning of the game. Ah I sound completely  weird saying that. Anyway...This game was okay. I would rate it a 7/10.

C.O.D: Black Ops

I can't believe I haven't talked about this game yet. It's so fun! The storyline so far is good. I THINK I get it =P I like the graphics. I like the choice of guns you get and I like how your player runs =D I suck at aiming but I still manage to kill my target (^.^) I love playing nazi zombies but I usually die after 5 rounds. I know, I suck. I would rate this a 9/10. I don't like the fact that this game is 1st person shooter. If it was 3rd person I woulda rated it 10.