Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm a little late on this but...

It's summer! Yus, so that means I'll be posting more entries. I haven't rally gotten any new games to play yet. I tried playing Resident Evil 5 but I didn't really like it. My uncle is reserving the new Assassins Creed Game,  my brother said he ordered Fable III, and I might get Gears 3. So I guess when those games role in I'll talk about theme.

I've been replaying all my old games b/c I got a new Xbox 360 recently. Ring of Death on old one <.< Took it in to get it fixed but  the hard-drive got stolen and they didn't give the 360 back until a few months later. When we got it back they put it back together wrong so it got taken in again to get fixed. A few months later my brother got the 360 w/ the Kinect. That's the story on why I haven't been playing any new games. I've been playing to get all the stuff back.
Anyway when I find some video games to look at I shall talk about them. :DD

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