Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Now, I know this game looks completely childish but I have to say it's pretty fun...and cute.  All you do in this game is you bond with your cat (Tiger, leopard, etc.), you have to find pieces of maps to continue on with the game, and you play mini games. The game is a tad bit annoying b/c you have this little flying guy with you the ENTIRE time talking to you telling you what to do. When I played this game I thought he'd go away after he explained the story to you on why you're there and what you had to do. Other than that I thought the game was fun. You can teach your cat tricks, play soccer with it, or throw it a Frisbee. What I don't like about it teaching my cat tricks is that sometimes the Kinect doesn't read what I do. Which I find frustrating x) But on the bright side you can just tell your cat what to do. Erm, I would rate this game a 8/10. It gets repetitive. But I liked the game b/c it has animals in it >.< 

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